This page provides links to sites you may find interesting or useful. However, it is not exhaustive. If you have a link you would like to recommend for this page, please email it to webmaster@agoseattle.com.
The American Guild of Organists – National Website (www.agohq.org)
This comprehensive website provides information on our national organization -
Tacoma Chapter of the AGO (http://www.tacomaago.org)
Olympic Peninsula Chapter, AGO (http://www.olyago.org/)
Portland Chapter, AGO (http://www.portlandago.org)
Spokane Chapter, AGO (http://www.spokaneago.org)
Organ Historical Society (http://www.organsociety.org)
Association of Anglican Musicians (http://anglicanmusicians.org)
Association of Lutheran Church Musicians (http://www.alcm.org)
CanticalNOVA (http://www.canticanova.com/index.html)
Service planning resource for Liturgical Churches (Roman Catholic) -
ChoralNet (http://choralnet.org/indexen.shtml)
Great resource for choral music research and planning -
National Association of Pastoral Musicians (http://www.npm.org/Sections/Organ/organbuilders.htm)
Gothic Recordings (http://www.gothic-catalog.com/Default.asp?Redirected=Y)
Excellent resource for organ and choral recordings -
JAV Recordings (http://www.pipeorgancds.com)
Excellent resource for organ and choral recordings -
Pro Organo (https://www.proorgano.com/)
Excellent resource for organ and choral recordings -
Raven Compact Discs
Excellent resource for organ recordings -
Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (http://www.apoba.com)
A great resource for several of the top pipe organ builders in North America -
American Institute of Organ Builders (http://www.pipeorgan.org)
Organ Clearing House (http://www.organclearinghouse.com/index.php)
The Organ Clearing House was founded in 1959 to facilitate the relocation of pipe organs which might otherwise be discarded. -
Local Area Pipe Organ Builders & Technicians:
Paul Fritts & Co. (http://www.frittsorgan.com)
Pasi Organ Builders (http://www.pasiorgans.com)
Bond Organ Builders (http://www.bondorgans.com)
Frans Bosman & Assoc. (http://bosmanpipeorgans.com)
Tim Drewes (http://www.drewesonline.com/Tuning.html)
Pipe Organ Foundation (http://www.pipeorganfoundation.org)
Marceau Pipe Organ Builders (http://marceaupipeorgans.com)
Puget Sound Pipe Organs (Stanwood, WA.)pugetsoundpipeorgans.com
Allen Organs (http://www.allenorgan.com)
Digital organ builder based in Macungie, Pennsylvania -
Rose City Organ (Portland, OR) rosecityorgans.com
Allen organ representatives for the Pacific Northwest -
Rodgers Instruments (http://www.rodgersinstruments.com)
Digital organ builder based in Hillsboro, Oregon -
St. Mark’s Cathedral (http://www.saintmarks.org)
Seattle’s Episcopal cathedral -
St. James Cathedral (http://www.stjames-cathedral.org)
Seattle’s Roman Catholic cathedral -
Puget Sound Theatre Organ Society (http://www.pstos.org/)
Seattle’s organization for Theatre Organ enthusiasts -
History of the pipe organ (http://www.zzounds.com/edu--historyoftheorgan)
Public Domain Music Scores (http://www.churchmusicinstitute.org/resources/FreeIntMusic.pdf)
Puget Sound Organ Recital Calendar (Link)